The Sunday Mail

Can you take the heat?

A heatwave is a period of unusually hot or humid weather that lasts at least two or three days — and remaining hot throughout the nights — that affects large areas.

Heatwaves are caused by a system of higher atmospheric pressure, whereby air from upper levels of the atmosphere descends and rotates out.

Tips for surviving


  1. Use box fans and ceiling fans to promote air circulation. Opening doors in the house and using box fans to push hot air outdoors can function as an “exhaust” system and draw cooler evening air into the house. In the cooler evenings, open all windows and promote as much air circulation as possible.
  2. Take advantage of the cooling power of water. Fill buckets or basins and soak your feet. Wet towels and bandannas can have a cooling effect when worn on the shoulders or head. Take cool showers or baths, and consider using a spray bottle filled with cold water.
  3. Eliminate extra sources of heat. Incandescent light bulbs can generate unnecessary heat as can computers or appliances left running. Eat fresh foods that do not require you to use the oven or stove to prepare.
  4. Maintain an adequate level of hydration, which means you’ll need to consume more water than you usually do when it’s hot. Thirst is the first sign of dehydration; you should drink sufficient amounts of fluids before you feel thirsty in order to prevent dehydration.
  5. Avoid alcoholic beverages and caffeine as both of these substances can act as diuretics and promote dehydration.
  6. Don’t eat large, protein-rich meals that can increase metabolic heat and warm the body. — Online Sources