The Sunday Mail

Boy child needs not be superhuman

Life Issues with FGK

OUR previous article titled “Grooming boy child builds a powerful generation”, startled many.

Most people have grown accustomed to seeing campaigns that encourage support for the girl child. The assumption is that the boy child, culturally, is always the favoured one and thus gets all the support he needs. That is wrong!

The boy child is neglected too, is often treated heavy-handedly and is not groomed to be a well-meaning citizen.

This is why in these last instalments we have focused on the boy. Not that the girl child is not important, but even if she gets empowered, she will not have peace in a world of ungroomed and unproductive men.

Therefore, the boy child needs as much support as the girl child. The journey to a stable and peaceful generation begins with properly grooming the boy child. In supporting the boy child, we are erecting pillars of support for the girl child.

Take this feedback, for instance, from Farayi M (full surname withheld) posted on our Facebook page: “The series on the male child brought so much healing to my soul as a man as I understood myself in the light of God’s original design. I have scoured many bookshelves but have never come across such depth of insight. I eagerly await every post from FGK! Please keep writing!”

As we wind up on our subject, we must strive for all our boy children to be leaders in life. They might not necessarily be leading a huge corporate, a social campaign team or any religious or political group but leadership starts within them.

They must be taught to lead themselves by making the right choices and being decisive in life. We want them to approach life with boldness, courage, authenticity and precision. We want them to be more positive in life despite the challenges that exist in our imperfect world.

The desire of every noble parent is to raise their boy child to become an inspiration to his sisters and siblings. We want them to become more productive and get the most out of life. We want them to pursue peace and greatness. This is our desire for the boy child, our expectations only come to fruition when we work together with the boy child in moulding him into what he ought to be.

The world has become so full of competitors. We are dealing with competitive humans as well as machines and technology. We, therefore, need to raise our boy children to be able to compete at the highest level of competition there is. We need to empower them with skills, thought processes and practices that allow them to perform better and smarter in this fast world which is getting ruthless by the day.

The world has become so wicked that when your child is less competitive, they will serve as someone’s modern slave. Train your boy child to be a master in his skill, he should be excellent in whatever he does. Chances of being a follower are minimum when your son has been well-groomed, the potential in him will see him rise to the top even if he starts at the bottom.

Raise your boy child never to be a slave to the status quo but to be a game changer. In reiteration, the things we do every day are the building blocks to our children’s character. They copy what they see on us, they follow our footsteps. Your children are learning most of their behavioural aspects and attitudes from you.

Do not be too guilty to show them your mistakes. It is better than trying to cover up your failure because they will always grow up to find out. You will still be their hero even if you have your flaws but make sure you do not over spice yourself to give them a false image. Just tell them how you have failed and why they too must understand that it is not every battle they have to win but some battles are lost and it is okay.

They do not need to be superhuman. Teach them to tolerate themselves too because the road to success is not an instant leap but it is paved with failure, pain and struggle. It will help them to process their failures and deal with the emotions that come with it and move onto the next challenge and assume victory.

Quote of the week:

The road to success is not an instant leap but it is paved with failure, pain and struggle.


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