
Bookkeeper steals US$100K from employer

04 Sep, 2024 - 16:09 0 Views
Bookkeeper steals US$100K from employer

Online Reporter

BUSINESSMAN Patrick Andrew Walsh, who runs Mac Brothers Zimbabwe (Pvt) Limited, Pan Cleaning Services (Pvt) Limited and Brennan’s Diesel Services located in Graniteside, Harare, lost various amounts of money totalling US$100 000 to his bookkeeper after she stole it.

Kiritea Da Silva is alleged to have converted different amounts of money she was entrusted to deposit into Mr Walsh’s bank account over a period extending from January 2023 to August this year.

Da Silva was arrested and taken to Harare Magistrates Court charged with theft.

She was not asked to plead to the charges when she appeared before Regional Magistrate Mrs MArehwanazvo Gofa who remanded her to September 30 for her routine remand.

The State led by Mr Anesu Chirenje alleges that during that period Da Silva was entrusted with different amounts of cash by the manager Charlotte Evans, which she was supposed to deposit into Mr Walsh’s Nedbank Nostro account.

Da Silva allegedly signed for the cash received, indicating her responsibility to deposit it, but instead of depositing the cash as required, she converted the money to her own use.

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