The Sunday Mail

Betrayal: Version of witchcraft

Life Issues with FGK

ONE way or another, we have all been betrayed at some point in our lives.

lf that hasn’t happened yet, brace yourself for it. That nasty experience is bound to come.

Wikipedia defines betrayal as the breaking or violation of a presumptive contract, trust, or confidence that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship among individuals, between organisations or between individuals and organisations.

Humans are created in a complex manner which makes it difficult to decipher their thoughts by merely looking at them or socialising with them.

Understanding a person usually goes beyond getting to know the obvious.

A number of people have been used by the devil despite looking so innocent and holy.

It is common for a person you almost died for to wake up plotting your demise. Talk of back-biters!

Betrayal is painful because it usually comes from your trusted associates.

A distant person can never betray you because they do not have access to your personal issues.

Betrayers often take advantage of your comfort and openness to them, which leaves you vulnerable.

Often, when betrayers strike, they catch you off-guard and the impact is typically fatal. Betrayal has left many in graves, with some wounded emotionally and physically.

It is a form of witchcraft that I will broadly talk about in this instalment.

Numerous thoughts boggle one’s mind after being betrayed.

“I have given this person my all, why did they do this to me? I have invested so much on him/her, why then did s/he still feel the need to sell me out?”

These and many other questions will leave you feeling confused and stupid.

Betrayal often leaves one feeling devastated and traumatised. lt can also wreck relationships and demolish peoples’ ability to trust.

In most cases, you curse and consider yourself unwise for the blunder of trusting a ‘snake’.

But in actual fact, it is not your fault.

Hypocrites work in deceptive ways and have the tact of making you believe in them.

They fake everything!

Betrayers pretend to love and care. They pretend to be on your side, yet their ultimate objective is to destroy you.

Betrayal knows no boundaries. Even the one you share blankets with can betray you.

Also, noone is immune to betrayal. No amount of love, charm, wisdom or loyalty cultivation within your inner circle will save you from it.

Of course you may have a majority of your close associates working on your side, but the devil will find a way to infiltrate that one person.

Jesus Christ, the symbol of perfection, the image of love, the cradle of wisdom and the creator of the human anatomy, including the heart and the brain, was betrayed by Judas.

This should speak volumes about betrayal.

If Jesus could be betrayed, then everyone under the sun is susceptible to this harm.

Betrayers’ work on fulfilling personal interests and benefits. They are often not concerned about how it will make you feel or the impact on your relationship. has this short passage posted by one girl on its website: “My ‘best friend’ in college copied my project for their final paper, presented it first to the professor, and I came out looking like l am the one who copied her work. I had to prepare a new project in two months; the other project had taken me five months. In the end, I got an A and she flunked because she did not defend the project well during an oral presentation as she knew absolutely nothing about the subject.”

Thank God the girl survived this form of betrayal and managed to pass. But how many among us have the courage to get up from such a downer?

In one teaching, Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa said some people are like the rod of Moses. When they are in your hand, they are a rod but when they are out of your hand, they are a snake.

Exodus 4:2 says, “And Jehovah said unto him, what is that in thy hand? And he said, a rod. And he said, cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it. And Jehovah said unto Moses, put forth thy hand, and take it by the tail, and he put forth his hand, and laid hold of it, and it became a rod in his hand.”

The Holy Book tells us that people who have the ability to hurt us are those who are close to us or those who have been close to us.

Not many people get devastated when pain is inflicted by a distant person.

It can never be ‘betrayal’ when the person was not a trusted one.

Consider the following example:

You have been married for twenty years. You and your husband have three beautiful daughters. His family is the type that believes that a male child is very important and a must have.

So you feel terrible that you haven’t given your husband a male child. He assures you that he is okay without a male child.

Your husband falls ill and critically requires a kidney transplant if he is to survive.

You turn out to be a match. Because of your love for him, you decide to donate your other kidney to him. But as you are preparing to go for surgery, you come across your husband’s will. When you go through it, you discover that your husband has three sons with another woman, to whom he has allocated 90 percent of his wealth. According to that will, you and your three girls will only get 10 percent of his wealth upon his death.

l leave you with these questions. Will you go ahead with the kidney transplant?

How will you react to the whole situation?

Quote of the week: Betrayal is painful, it usually comes from your trusted associates.


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