The Sunday Mail

Best home remedies for acidity, heartburn


They are extremely beneficial for gut and stomach health because of their high fibre content which enhances the digestion process. They are rich in potassium and increase the production of mucus in the stomach which prevents the excess acid formation and also fights the harmful effects of excessive acid production.

Cold milk

It is a known fact that milk contains a high amount of calcium which is also one of the main ingredients in your over-the-counter antacids? Calcium helps to maintain the Ph balance and aids in proper digestion. This is the reason cold milk can provide you with instant relief from the burning sensation one feels during acidity and acid reflux. The calcium in milk also curbs and prevents acid build-up and also absorbs the excess acid produced. Remember though that cold milk is more effective than hot milk and not to add any additives like sugar, or chocolate powder to the milk.


To get relief from heartburn, drink up a glass of cold buttermilk. Buttermilk contains lactic acid that neutralises the acidity in the stomach. The lactic acid further soothes the stomach by coating the stomach lining and reducing the irritation and acid reflux symptoms.

Pineapple juice

Drink a glass of pineapple juice if you have had a spicy meal and detect symptoms of acidity. Pineapples contain bromelain, which is an enzyme that helps controls levels of hydrochloric acid in your stomach and works to prevent severe acid reflux. Besides pineapple juice, edible aloe vera juice is also known to be a coolant and a natural remedy to relieve heartburn.

Mint leaves

Mint helps lower the acid content of the stomach and improves digestion. Chop on some mint leaves to control and soothe acidity or boil a few leaves and drink the water once it cools to boost stomach and intestine health.

Chew gum

Gum stimulates the flow of saliva, which in turn keeps the acid levels down and balances your pH levels. After your meal, chew a gum for ten minutes to get fresh breath and prevent acidity.