The Sunday Mail

Basket hanging in gardens the in-thing

GARDENERS the world over have fallen in love with hanging baskets in their gardens – the versatility of hanging baskets is not just for gardens but also for shopping centres, indoors, verandas or patios. Hanging baskets have been around for a long time and their application in your garden can be so glamorous. As we enjoy summer, their presence in our landscapes can surely add an enriching atmosphere.

Visiting most nurseries and garden centres you will discover that there is an array to choose from. Some are hand made from wire, bamboo, wood and reed, whilst some are factory assembled from plastic or metal. Whichever choice you decide to settle upon will depend on your landscape design and style. If you have incorporated natural elements in your landscape its only best that you choose those made from natural materials. You can also make your own baskets using even old household utensils like pots, tea pots or watering cans.

Positioning of your baskets is very important. If you are fortunate to have a long driveway with a wall on the side, you could very well position them on each pillar. If no wall is present you can erect poles along the driveway preferably painted in a dark green colour so that they are not the focus but the baskets are. These baskets are grand on patios or verandas especially overhanging in between pillars or against pillars. They can be equally good if you have a carport to hang them. One can also make use of trees in a garden to hang baskets; so long they are not too low to cause collisions.

Hanging baskets can be effectively used where space is limited in a flat on a veranda. They can be effectively used not only for aesthetic purposes but for herbs and vegetables as well.
Which plants can one use in hanging baskets to adorn them?

Annuals can really bring life to your garden when planted in hanging baskets. Plant your lobelias, nasturtiums, petunias, geranium, portulaca, and the black eyed susan is also particularly impressive. Many other perennials can be used in baskets just make sure you position the baskets accordingly either for shade or sun loving plants.

Plant a non-invasive lantana montevidensis, mondo grass, chlorophytum comosum, asparagus densiflorus, maiden hair fern, begonia, coleus, bromeliads and of course fuchsia. This selection is by no means exhaustive. Now let us move on to caring for your hanging baskets. The soil mixture you decide to use is a very important factor of success. It must be well drained and yet be able to hold enough moisture since your plants are exposed to all the air movement. Mix a part of sterilised soil, well rotted compost and river sand to make an ideal potting mix.

Ensure that your hanging baskets receive enough water. If you are too busy for frequent watering, plant drought tolerant plants such as echeveria, mesembryanthemum, gazania, haworthia, helichrysum, liriope, stapelia, sedum and your portulaca.
Indeed if you do it right your home will be the admiration of the whole neighborhood. Happy gardening!
