The Sunday Mail

Are you a leader or a boss?

Women & Leadership

Maggie Muzara

Being a leader and being a boss are not necessarily one and the same thing. There are key differences between the two. Supervisors and managers should consistently assess their leadership styles to ensure they are successfully leading their teams. By the same token they would do well to be clear as to which one they are: leader or boss, or both.

Staff at spoke with some leadership experts and discovered the following as the five key differences between a boss and a leader.

Bosses command; leaders influence

One key difference is that a boss’s authority comes from their position, whereas a leader’s authority comes from their ability to influence others. A boss is there to ensure that employees follow the rules of an organisation, but a leader will encourage others to think for themselves to achieve the desired ends.

A boss will need to give orders to instruct others what to do, but a leader can inspire others to find the best way forward, whilst motivating them to maximise their potential. Although subordinates only follow bosses because they have to, bosses can grow their influence through encouraging behaviour, some experts have pointed out.

A leader can grow their influence by caring for their team, listening to their thoughts and ideas, and sharing the ‘why’ behind the decisions and actions that they take. This is a second step in leadership, but it makes all the difference, and people will follow you because they want to, and not just because they have to.

Bosses explain; leaders inspire

You shouldn’t just explain a task and leave it in your employee’s hands. According to Christine Macdonald, director of The Hub Events, a boss ensures you understand your work, while a leader supports and guides you through it.

“The biggest difference between a leader and a boss is that a good leader inspires people and makes them excited about their work,” she said.

Success takes passion; without the desire to complete tasks, workers won’t be as driven to give their best performances. As their leader, you should motivate them by letting them know the importance of their work.

Bosses discipline; leaders mentor

Employees are human, and mistakes are to be expected. Who you are as a boss is evident in how you deal with mishaps. While bosses are more likely to use a reward/punishment system to discourage poor behaviour, great leaders understand that employees benefit from encouragement and mentorship. If an employee performs well in a specific line of work, that strength should be recognised and mastered.

“One key element of leadership is the ability to harness the talents of others to achieve a common goal,” said Macdonald.

It’s important to note the strengths and weaknesses of each employee and mentor them independently. Rather than attacking skill gaps, work to patch them by guiding employees through their shortcomings and building their confidence in new areas.

Bosses delegate tasks; leaders delegate authority

A boss focuses on the objectives of their department and is stringent in following protocol to achieve those goals.

They think for the short term, delegate tasks to their subordinates and tend to micromanage. Christina J. Eisinger, executive coach and consultant at CJE Consulting, said that a boss has key objectives to meet, whereas a leader will set the long-term vision for the team and use it as “a key motivator.”

“A boss gets results by telling people what to do and is concerned with doing it right,” she said.

“A leader is skilled at results by enabling their team to figure out what to do, is concerned with doing what is right.”

Andrews added that leaders seek to drive commitment by setting an example for others to follow and inspire others by encouraging development.

“They are comfortable delegating authority and avoid micromanaging, preferring to see others develop. Utilising their excellent communication and negotiation skills, they will influence others for the overall benefit of the organisation.”

Bosses are above the team; leaders are part of the team

A boss doesn’t take the time to get to know their employees like a leader does. Eisinger said bosses view their team members as subordinates, whereas leaders let go of this hierarchical distinction and view their team members as equal contributors. To be a leader, it’s important that you facilitate positive relationships with your employees.

Work with their needs and create a culture that encourages open communication.

“By getting to know your team better, you’ll be able to understand how to explain your vision in a way that will really connect with each person,” said Macdonald.

“This means you can personalise the way you motivate people.”

She added that good leaders are genuine and loyal. You set an example for your company. If you lack passion or motivation, odds are your team will too. Don’t be afraid to be human — be real and express your emotions to connect with your workers.

How do you transition

from boss to leader?

To be a good boss or leader, you can incorporate a few key strategies into your behaviour. Experts listed three of these strategies as thoughtfulness, communication and clear expectations for your employees. Gosnell recommends treating your employees with thoughtfulness. A good leader conducts their decision-making process based on the best interests of the team as well as the company.

“Leaders who lead for impact think first of their followers,” said Gosnell.

“They know that if they are doing what is in the best interest of their followers, it will bring great results for the followers and the organisation.”

Leaders should also incorporate good communication by listening to their teams. Gosnell said a listening leader will hear how to make an organisation better through the words of their team.

“Listening leaders grow in influence and impact, while those who neglect to listen to their team will struggle with disengaged employees who won’t listen.

“A leader who wants to be listened to should practicing listening to their people.”

Whether you see yourself as a boss or a leader, Andrews said, the key to your success is your staff seeing you as fair in your approach toward them. Set fair, clear employee expectations and be consistent in your manners so your staff knows what they can expect from you.