The Sunday Mail

A memorable day for Mazowe High School

Brandon Nyakasoka, Rufaro Denga and Tatenda Chibatamoto
Current Affairs Club, Mazowe High School
When a child takes its first step, after a few weeks it is able to interact with others, and then it starts to differentiate itself, moving in line with what it desires which, in strict anthropological terms, is a clear indication of its destiny.

We cannot be all the same, which is why Albert Einstein clearly pointed out that, “if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing its stupid”. This is what probably inspired our leaders to have a Careers Fair at provincial level recently in order to give each and every child an equal chance to find themselves rather than let them swim upstream and downstream, never finding their dreams.

There are Zimbabweans who are roaming around the streets aimlessly not only because they lacked vision for their lives but failed to seek the right advice which would lead them in the appropriate paths.

To overcome this problem, Mashonaland Central hosted the Provincial Careers Fair at Mazowe High School giving students across the province the chance to look at job opportunities available to them after school.

The occasion was graced by Zimbabwe Olympic Committee [ZOC] president, Mr Admire Masenda, who inspired students with his biography, his experience in sport and in particular his love for basketball and how he came to be president of the Zimbabwe Olympic Committee.

Cutting his story short, he said he loved basketball since high school and continued to pursue his sport as he played for University of Zimbabwe. He began to coach basketball after his studies and later joined the ZOC and was appointed president in 2006 until today.

He said over the years he has been travelling around the globe and discovered that sport can also be a lucrative career, he encouraged parents to support their children to attain a solid future through sport.

After presenting his biography, the ZOC president officially opened the Careers Fair. All exhibitors’ stands were attractively set up making it easy for learners to approach any stand. This was an opportunity for learners to assess their capabilities as well as chart the way forward in as far as careers are concerned.

The day was a colourful event which attracted both the learners and adults to visit the exhibitors and get as much information as possible.

Some of the organisations who came to the fair include NetOne, British Council, Tamarind Lodges, Adventureland Lodges, CPS, College Press, Arrupe Jesuits University, Bindura University of Science Education, Midlands State University, Freda Rebecca, Glass Creations, Mirneva, Candoa, Higher Life, ICAZ, Nhaka Leadership, Snow White, Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University, Career Zim, Yebo Finance, Zimbabwe School of Mines, Kunana Investments, Trust Academy, among others.

The US Embassy facilitated the participation of three American universities at the fair, namely Pomona, Swarthmore and Williams.

On student exhibitions, there was a lot of talent which was showcased by the learners. The exhibitions varied from art displays, drum majorettes, traditional dance, brass band, mass displays and many others. There was certainly a lot to learn from fellow learners.

Amandas Junior School managed to put up an excellent show on the marimba melodic and timbrels instruments.

The school was turned into an exhibition park and learners could not hide their joy as they walked around the campus with a handful of flyers. The learners also seemed to love the freebies that were being dished out by most exhibitors.

The event finally ended as the sun was over the horizon and all the pupils were pleased to know what they now knew, that they have a bright future ahead of them and that one needs not limit their career options to the academic side but should explore all avenues.

Students, send your articles, pictures, poetry, art . . . to Charles Mushinga at or follow Charles Mushinga on Facebook or @charlesmushinga on Twitter. You can also post articles to The Sunday Mail Bridge, PO Box 396, Harare.